What Services are available to me?

Individual Performance Training: The peak performer is self-aware, curious, and accountable. They train themselves to handle adversity, accept and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and ask for help when they need it. They understand their own strengths and how to use them, and also understand their weaknesses and accept their own imperfection while working to improve. This person understands their purpose, the “why” of their participation, and is connected to what they truly value as they seek excellence. They learn to focus on what’s important and what they can command, and to do their best to let go of the rest. They seek joy in competition and challenge.

Training for individual performers includes “off-field” sessions that incorporate exercises and conversations designed to teach these skills - including some at-home activities to enrich the learning - and “on-field” sessions where we apply the skills in practice and competition settings.

For athletes, dancers, artists, musicians, businesspeople, or anyone who is seeking to enrich and maximize their performance in their chosen venue.

Individual sessions begin at $135; discounted packages are available.

Group/Team Performance Training: The most successful, championship-level teams across the history of sport have many things in common: Unity of purpose, role clarity, cohesion, communication, accountability, work ethic, and joy are among the most important. Team education sessions, activities, and workshops seek to teach and develop the skills and qualities necessary for groups of people to become more than the sum of their parts, and to help them create and make good use of individual and collective opportunities to succeed.

Team performance training packages include the aforementioned education sessions, activities, and team workshops; they also include meetings with coaches and meetings with individual athletes in order to tailor the team-based offerings to the particular needs of your organization.

Additionally, team services may include some “on-demand” time spent at practices and competitions, during which the skills can be reinforced and practiced - and the performers can receive support - in real time.

For teams, troupes, and workgroups.

Seminars begin at $600; multi-workshop and season packages are available.

Coach/Organizational Leadership/Business Consulting: What are the philosophical and practical building blocks of your team or organization? What are your core values, the principles which you refuse to compromise? What are the crucial roles on your team, on your staff, or in your group, and who is best equipped to fill them? Most importantly, how do you want your athletes, employees, or the members of your group or team to feel when they “walk in the building?

Leaning on principles of human development, neuroscience, coaching, sociology, and psychology, we will work together - through education sessions, conversations, exercises, and workshops - to answer these critical questions and to help you live through these values in service of creating a collaborative, growth-oriented, meaningful and thriving organizational environment.

For coaches, CEOs, and organizational leaders.

Seminars/workshops/lectures begin at $600.

Parent Education: Sport parenting is one of the most important - and sometimes most challenging - roles in the life of a young performer. Being a parent is often hard enough; being the parent of a young athlete combines the increased pressure of a competitive environment with our deep desire to see our children succeed. The results of this mixture can sometimes lead parents to produce unintended complications in their child’s ability to thrive through sport, and can even disrupt the sport environment itself.

Luckily, there is a growing body of research out there that can help guide parents in fulfilling their one-of-a-kind, all-important role in a way that supports and benefits their child’s development and well-being, the growth of the team, and the culture around the team. Through presentations, conversations, activities, and question-and-answer sessions, parents will have the opportunity to learn new ways to accompany and support their children, and help them grow through their sport experience.

For parents of young performers.

Single sessions begin at $135; parents may also add a consult to their child’s package of sessions for $110.

Injury Rehab/Return to Sport: The longer and harder an athlete competes, the more likely it is that the possibility of injury will become a reality. When this happens, it can throw our entire world into chaos. We understand the physical implications pretty well: Changes in mobility, routine, and activities. Pain and discomfort. Limitation and loss of strength. Maybe surgery; definitely some rehab.

What we don't always take into account is the mental and emotional toll of an injury. The anger, frustration, negativity, and sadness. The patience required for successful rehab. But maybe the biggest challenge is the uncertainty: Is this it? Will I ever get back to where I was? WHO AM I without my sport? The "athletic identity" is powerful, and can work both for and against us.

Mental training around injury is designed to accompany your physical rehab and help you develop self-compassion, patience, optimism, goal-orientation, and a productive growth-focused Comeback Mindset. We will work together to reduce the uncertainty and give you the mental and emotional skills necessary to strengthen your rehab process so that you can get back to health, back to play, and back to being you.

For athletes on the comeback trail.

Single sessions begin at $135; packages are available.

Guest Speaking/Lectures: For high school or college classes, conferences, orientations, and seminars. Subject matter can range from mental performance to stress management, youth development and coaching to self-awareness and mindfulness. Presentations will incorporate stories, anecdotes, research and discussions about different aspects of the human experience.

Seminars/workshops/lectures begin at $600.

Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.
— Bruce Lee