Go Outside and Breathe
While you’re at it, take off your shoes and go stand in some grass, close your eyes, and see if you can just…be. It’s hard, I know; the world demands a lot from each of us. Responsibilities are everywhere, expectations abound, and as we scramble to fulfill them all, we become stretched thin and pulled in every direction except for into the moment in which we stand. On the Earth. Bare feet in the grass. Eyes closed. Breathing. Being.
All that stuff will still be there when you open your eyes, in two breaths or two minutes or two hours. What you might have just done is create a tiny bit of space, within which you have the choice of picking it all back up, or not. Of doing all the things that people want you to do while ignoring the things you yourself need, or not. The differentiating power that human beings have amongst all the other creatures in nature is not a big brain or opposable thumbs or all of our fancy technology; it is choice.
So, use it for good. Start by taking yourself on a date in whatever Nature you can find for as long as you can spare. Then, breathe. Then, choose again, and see where it takes you. It might end up being one of those dates that never seems to end…that’s when you know you’ve found your person. Who, in this case, is you.